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Friday, September 3, 2010

Great Labor Day Sale

I do not use Bath and Body gels and lotions as much anymore but I adore their candles and wallflowers. Especially the Fall scents, I love the way the fill the house.  Leaves and Autumn smell clean yet warm and toasty @ the same time.   This weekend they are having an awesome sale.  This would be a great time to try out a new scent.  You can never go wrong with pumpkin or apple for Fall. If you do not have a store near you can order online!


  1. OMG! Great minds think alike! I was wondering why you never updated your blog and now i see my feed reader was not working for you!
    I am addicted to the wall flowers but LOVE all fall scents!

  2. Well I am glad you figured that out :)

    I have almost burned one of the large "Leaves" candles and it isnt even October!! Love it!

