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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Newest Obsession

I have seen's special for 80% off but never taken the plunge and purchased any of the gift cards.  Well we are REALLY tightening our belts as far as going out  We had gotten pretty lazy and been going much more often.  Although, as much as it costs to go out it is SO nice sometimes to come home after work and not worry with preparing anything and especially cleaning up!  Tadah is offering gift cards for 80% off!  That means you enter your zip code to search for participating restaurants and wahlah you can purchase a $25.00 gift card for $2.00!  How insane is that?  I even called one of the businesses to inquire wheter it was strictly dine in.  The man that answered knew exactly what I was inquiring about and said he would allow me to get take out if that is what I prefered! Amazing!  Can't wait to report back on our experience!

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