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Thursday, June 9, 2011


The past few months I have been totally MIA on the blogfront.  We have had a very sucky stressful couple of years and it has seemed to escalade as of late.  Also, I will admit that I became somewhat discouraged.  Friends and family members were often telling me that they read my blog, saw etc on my blog... but when noone ever comments you can begin to feel like you are typing/writing to noone!  But I began to think of why I started the blog in the first place, to capture moments of our life.  With a new nephew being born literally any minute  day now,  what a better time to pick things back up.  And I will try to remember that despite how few comments/followers etc I have, one day I will de able to look back and see what we were doing in June 2011 and that is the most important thing!

1 comment:

  1. I know how you feel! But I read even when I don't comment!! xoxo and the looking back is SO fun!!

