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Thursday, December 9, 2010

The pressure of the Card!

Christmas Cards  Who doesn't love a Christmas card?  It is so much fun receiving cards from your friends and family.  I love to see pictures of how everyone is growing/changing.  But you have to admit the Christmas card selection process can be time consuming!  I somehow always get so stressed about selecting the card and the photo that's just right .  Here are a few Christmas card images of the past!

Obviously there was no room for grooming in the budget this year!

Don't you love Lola's expression!  Thrilled with the hat selection

Tutu channels her inner JLo

Again everyone is super excited about Christmas!
Last year was the first year we did not send out cards.  Before that the past few cards  have just had the furchildren.  So this year I decided we needed a picture of all of us.  In Andalusia they usually have a gigantic Christmas tree with presents underneath on the square.  I thought it would be a great backdrop for our card.  We could take pictures at Thanksgiving.  As we drove through the square upon arrival, no Christmas tree and presents, on to plan B.  We loaded up Thursday afternoon and headed to the church.  It has a beautiful front door and wreath.  We took about 10 shots and I am not sure if it was all the Thanksgiving grub we had consumed but I did not like one picture.  See exhibit A:

I had just about given up on the cards when I heard about a fabulous offer from Shutterfly .  Bloggers can sign up and receiver 50 free cards!! So back to the Christmas card drawing board!  We had used Shutterfly  in previous years with great success.  So I am confident I can find a fabulous card!  My sister makes photo calenders  every year to give as gifts.  I always love to see them.  So we have finally  taken a picture that is decent of us, now to select the card(s).  See below some of the great choices!

Its always worth it once the cards are selected, addressed and mailed.  Does anyone else love christmas cards but stress over cards or is it just me?

1 comment:

  1. yes!! i still love using the cards you purchase and insert your picture. but those types of cards are hard to find, now. not to mention, one of our pups is deathly afraid of having her picture taken. she hears the sound of a picture being snapped and she heads for the nearest corner!!

