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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Railroad Park

Birmingham has opened a new park across from B&A Warehouse.  Last Sunday Tim and I decided to check it out.  We were so impressed.  It is, aside from Central Park, probably the nicest park I have visited.  I am sure the photos will not do it justice.  I was also happy to see the number of people there!  Birmingham has needed something to draw people downtown for so long. We only walked around the trail.  I am looking forward to going back with a blanket and hanging out for an afternoon. They offer so many attractions. They even had vendors and food stations. Sunday there was a jazz concert and we also saw a list of dates and times for yoga and other classes!


  1. Love the park! Bham has needed that downtown area worked on for a while so this is GREAT! Looks really nice and Sunday Night jazz sounds fab!

  2. Great park! This along with lots of other renewal projects are really moving Birmingham along! Woodlawn also is moving forward with projects like the restoration of century old Woodrow Hall. Projects like these will continue to make Birmingham thrive!

