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Thursday, March 7, 2013

What is the name of my Blog?

The title should indicate that I have not blogged in quite sometime. I seriously typed in the wrong blog just then! I can truly say the last six months have flown by.  There have been so many times I thought about updating  only to once again get distracted and fail to do so.  I will try not to bombard with everything we have done over the past few months.  This post is my official back to blogging post :)

The biggest changes in our lives have been moving to Tupelo, Mississippi and my career change.   I am not abandoning Interior Design just going in another direction for the time being.  I have partnered with the creators of Proactiv in their Company, Rodan + Fields.  Dr. Katie Rodan and Kathy Fields are committed to changing skin and changing lives.  I am super excited to be on their team as the company expands nationwide.  I have been using the Reverse system for sun damage and have been incredibly impressed, no more red splotchy complexion!  Will do my best to post pics as I progress.

New house at Christmas, love it
